So much for Rio

Tuesday 7 June 2016

I was just reading an article about journalists backing out of covering the Rio games due to the fear of the Zika virus.

When something directly affects journalists you can be sure it will be on the news. Brazil is one of the more heavily affected countries. Every thing recently discovered about the zika virus reveals it to be worse than we first thought. The effects are more wide ranging and it's ability to be be spread through sexual contact increases the risk of it spreading.

That's just one thing putting a damper on the Olympic games. Sailors have expressed concern about the pollution in the harbor. Teams who've practiced there report coming down with various health problems ranging from rashes to sever intestinal upset. There's also a lot of debris in the water. One team collided with a half submerged couch.

Then there is the political turmoil in Brazil. Corruption scandals have affected just about every layer and branch of government. Combine that with some economic upsets and a lot Brazil lions have very little interest in the games. Other problems take precedence.

The recent Olympic games have a history of costing the host country a lot of money. If the Brazil games turn out to be a disaster I wonder about if that will be the end of them?

In the past the games have suffered boycotts, and suspensions due to war. This might be first one disrupted by disease.


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