Back in the medical system

Tuesday 17 May 2016

I kept my promise to my kids and went for a check up. It had been 8 years since the last time I went to see a doctor. It was to remove a lump on the palm of my hand and they messed that up. Still have the lump.

One good thing about waiting so long to see the doctor is that they don't do digital exams of the prostrate anymore. Digital does not mean computer. It means finger. Ick.

Moving on.

I won't really find out too much until the blood tests come back. That means they want to see me in a couple weeks. Since I was already in the office I figured I'd better make the appointment so as not to put it off -for another 8 years or so.

While there I decided to get my tetanus shot updated. Really should have had that done back when I jammed a pickaroon in my leg, but didn't even bother going to the hospital. It left an interesting scar as stitches would have been a good idea.

Eight years ago the nurse used a regular sized blood pressure cuff on my extra large arm. Because she used an undersized cuff the doctor thought I had high blood pressure. Today the new doctor used the correct sized cuff and got a normal blood pressure reading. The hypertension note was removed from my chart.

The blood tests will indicate if there's anything else that I need to do. Diabetes runs in my family and he wants to see my cholesterol numbers. Thats where things could get interesting. If there is something drastically wrong I suppose the prudent thing would be to deal with it. If my sugar and/or cholesterol numbers are trending bad but not in the gonna die right now category my goal is to deal with it using diet and exercise.

I'm not a big fan of fixing things with a pill, unless it's an emergency. However, right now I don't even know if I have a problem or not.

One thing the doctor never asked me: How do you feel?

I feel fine.


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