Old School Coffee Roasting

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Roasting coffee in a cast iron covered deep skillet.

This is a five pound bag of green beans from Dean's Beans. There are a number of suppliers out there. I happen to like organic fair trade coffee and that's Dean's thing.

Your basic cast iron covered deep skillet.

Starting to roast. Every minute or so I lift the cover and stir the beans with a wooden spoon. Coffee makes a popping sound when it's roasted. That's called the first crack. If you want a darker roast continue until it makes a second, quieter pop -the second crack. Be careful to stop roasting before it becomes expensive charcoal.

Nearly there.


When cool I take the beans outside and gently blow the chaff out of the beans. For best flavor it should rest for 12 hours or so, but you could grind and brew it now. Green coffee takes years to go stale, but once it's roasted it should be used within a few days.

Most coffee you buy off the shelf already roasted is stale.

Enjoy the good stuff.


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